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WSET® Level 4 Diploma in Wines [EN]


  1. What is it?

The WSET® Level 4 Diploma in Wines is a specialist level qualification programme and the highest level of certification offered by the Wine and Spirits Education Trust (WSET®), the globally recognized industry leader in wine education. It provides expert level knowledge in all aspects of wine.

  1. What does it offer?

It is designed to give a 360° knowledge of wine: From the understanding of viticulture and wine making to wine business and indepth product knowledge. The Diploma will deepen your understanding of how and why wine production and business factors influence the style, quality and price of the principal wines of the world. The Geprüfter Sommeliermeister/-in IHK is offered alongside the WSET® Diploma course and specificmodules are additionally provided.

  1. What are the benefits?

Your expertise is built both theoretically, through comprehensive analytical study of a large number of wine regions, and practically by developing your wine tasting skills to an expert level. Successful graduates acquire exceptional analytical skills and proficiency in evaluative wine tasting, gaining global recognition as authoritative wine specialists.What you will learn:

  • D1 Wine Production
  • Viticulture
  • Vinification
  • Maturation, treatments and packaging
  • D2 The global Wine Business
  • Types of businesses engaged in wine production
  • Factors that contribute to the price of wine
  • Wine marketing
  • D3 Still Wines of the World

You will examine how the grape growing environment, grape growing options, winemaking options, wine law and regulation and wine business influence style, quality and price of the principal still wines of the world.

  • D4 Sparkling Wines

You study the productionmethods and acquire in-depth product knowledge and commercial understanding for the major sparkling wines of France, Spain, Italy, Germany and the New World.

  • D5 Fortified Wines

You study the productionmethods and acquire in-depth product knowledge and commercial understanding for the major fortified wines of Spain, Portugal, France and the New World.

  • D6 Independent research

You will research a specified wine-related subject, demonstrating your knowledge and understanding of the topic using relevant source material to develop ideas and arguments to reach informed conclusions.
Voraussetzung: Candidates must have achieved a passing score on the WSET® Level 3 Award in Wines and must be a minimum of 18 years of age to participate in any alcohol tasting in Germany. Candidates must also demonstrate a high proficiency in spoken and written English.

Ansprechpartner: Weronika Gula
Telefon: +49.261.3048911
Fax: +49.261.3048934
Email: gula@weinschule.com



Für dieses Angebot ist momentan eine Zeit bzw. Ort bekannt:

16.06.25 09:00 - 18:15 Uhr Ganztägig
Included are enrollment fee of 480 Euro, introductory online sessions, access to online study material, examination fees for the D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5 exams, D6 Submission, add-on high-profile science lectures at Weincampus in Neustadt/Wstr., excursions to wineries, extra theory, tasting exam preparation sessions and writing workshops. All wine samples are included.
Hohenfelder Str. 12
56068 Koblenz

max. 30 Teilnehmer

Dauer: bis 3 Tage

Mindestteilnehmer: 15

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