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International Business Management MBA


You are aiming at an executive position or preparing for a company succession and would like to complete a course of studies in business management parallel to your job? The program International Business Management MBA will, on the basis of your first university degree, impart all the skills that are necessary for executive positions and higher management functions in an international context: essential economic know-how as well as international management competencies and soft skills. The first three semesters are used for self-study with the aid of up-to-date tutorial notes. The courses can be attended via Web-Seminar so a visa for Germany is not necessary.

Core Topics:
The MBA program International Business Management comprises the following modules:
Scientific Theory
Social Skills
International Competencies
Human Resources Management
Compulsory Elective Modules (2 of 4 selectable modules):
Law, Sociology, Managerial Finance, Macroeconomics
The contents of the program are designed in such a way as to not only impart theoretical knowledge but also practical competencies in order to make the students able to solve problems of the professional practice.

Application period for the winter semester (starting in October 2020):
1st April - 30th June

Tuition Fees: 2.250 € /semester
plus social contribution to Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, University of Applied Sciences to the amount of approx. 140 € /semester

Master of Business Administration i


Für dieses Angebot ist momentan eine Zeit bzw. Ort bekannt:

Beginnt halbjährlich 10000 
plus the student contribution per semester at the Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Ludwigshafen
k. A.


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